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Sales Theme

Hit Your Sales Quotas

Whilst revenue quotas are of course essential, we set out 4 problems with having these as your sole focus, and thinking little about the systems that will deliver consistent success.

Salesforce CRM eBook

Businesses urgently need to turn the CRM investment around and that can only be achieved if the system delivers tangible benefits to the people using it: the sales team.

Ultimate Sales Checklist

Ensure your sales team is equipped with the right tools and strategies to achieve unprecedented success. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to implement deep learning AI into your sales program

video of future of AI

Telco Case Study

Since partnering with cloudapps five years ago, digital selling has changed substantially, and this partnership has continuously evolved and adapted to help maintain their competitive advantage.

Maximise your Salesforce CRM investment

The need to maximise CRM ROI is nothing new, but the acceleration of digital selling and remote working has contributed to the widespread demotivation of sales teams globally.

How to hit your sales quotas this month

Whilst revenue quotas are of course essential, we set out 4 problems with having these as your sole focus, and thinking little about the systems that will deliver consistent success.

How can your business succeed in an economic downturn?

The economy is experiencing a downturn at best, and while debate rages over whether a global recession is imminent, revenue leaders cannot afford to wait and find out.

How to level up your business with Gamification

Gamification. You might have heard of it, but what is it really? And what place does it have in a business environment? In this eBook, we explain everything you need to know about sales gamification

Are you getting the most from your CRM?

Businesses urgently need to turn the CRM investment around and that can only be achieved if the system delivers tangible benefits to the people using it: the sales team.

Supercharge your BI dashboards with the power of AI

The great thing about business intelligence dashboards is that one can create them to be tailored to whatever your business purposes are.

How IRIS transformed their pipeline with predictive forecasting

Sales Innovation Success at IRIS Software Group Using Cloudapps Behavioural Science & AI Technology

The Ultimate AI Guide for Private Equity

The trend for applying AI in private equity is growing. And for good reason. AI is bringing a new dimension to the sector that is delivering faster, more accurate results and bringing substantial

How Cloudapps is Transforming Telcos with Artificial Intelligence

Recent studies highlighted key areas where Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be the driver in the telecommunications space within the next few years, and transformation is well underway

Salesforce Opportunities with the Cloudapps AI Platform

Driving sales effectiveness through continuous deep learning...

How to Manage and Motivate a Sales Force Remotely

As many teams are forced to work remotely, the role of the sales leader has suddenly become even more complex. How can we successfully guide our now dispersed teams?

60 Low-Cost Sales Incentives to Boost Team Morale (when sales are down)

Salespeople are stereotypically driven by an eagerness to attain goals and, traditionally, financially rewarded for their ability to meet targets. However, this innate drive is difficult to maintain

23 Questions to help you qualify that deal

When CSO Insights reported that less than half of all forecasted deals end up closing, nobody was surprised. It appears we still accept forecasting chaos as inevitable, resigned to a fate of never

The Sales KPIs Managers Love

A review into how leaders of large sales organisations plan to measure their effectiveness in 2020 highlights the importance of tracking these 10 modern KPIs.

cloudapps Revenue Intelligence

Close more deals and hit your sales quotas every quarter

We deliver deep insight into deal health, drive every rep to quota, and take forecast accuracy to unprecedented new heights.

The cloudapps Sales Effectiveness & Accuracy Platform can increase your win rate by 20%, average deal size by 19%, and take forecast accuracy over 95%.

cloudapps Sales Forecasting

Start forecasting with confidence